Up All Night: Voices from the Graveyard Shift (Oregon State University Press, 2004)
Ordinary Time: Winning Poems and Short Stories,edited (Seattle: The Church and the Artist, 1987)
Nixon Under the Bodhi Tree and Other Works of Buddhist Fiction, ed. Wheeler, Kate (Wisdom Publications, 2004): "Zoo Animal Keeper I, REC-SVC-ZK"
A Flame in the Heart, ed. Rappoport, Lisa(Littoral Press, 2002) “Them"
An Intricate Weave, ed. Miller, Marlene (Iris Editions, 1997): "Snake"
A Celestial Omnibus: Short Fiction on Faith, ed. Maney, J.P. & Tom Hazuka (Beacon, 1997): "Zoo Animal Keeper I, REC-SVC-ZK”
The Time of Our Lives, ed. Taylor, Dena & Amber Coverdale Sumrall (Crossing Press, 1993): "Three Conversations"
The World Begins Here: An Anthology of Oregon Short Fiction, ed. Love, Glen A. (OSU Press, 1993): "O'Keefe Sober"
Arroyo Literary Review , Spring 2017: "The Volunteer Position"
Rockhurst Review, 2003: “Juana”
Cairn, No. 36, 2002: “Rules of Order”
Writing on the Edge, Vol 9, No 2; 1999: "Widow's Head"
Clackamas Literary Review, Spring 1999: "To the River"
Notre Dame Review, Winter 1999: "Plaintiff"
The Alembic, May, 1997: "Readiness"
Orion, Summer 1995: "Zoo Animal Keeper I, REC-SVC-ZK"
Caprice, 1994: "The Poet's Entry”
American Writing, No. 4, 1992: "Them"
Northwest Magazine, 4/21/91: "O'Keefe Sober"
Caprice, Spring 1990: "Countess Tolstoy Queries Esquire”
Clinton Street, 12/89: “Them, 1956"
Spindrift 88: "The Shoat"
Crazyquilt, March 1988: "The White Work"
Other Voices, Spring 1988: "Blackbird"
Seattle Weekly, 12/23/87: "Long Lay the World”
Zyzzyva, Summer 1987: "Blue"
The Macguffin, Fall 1986: "Lights"
Daring to Repair, ed Tosteson & Brockett (Wising Up Press, 2012): “Polaroid”
Telling Oregon’s Stories: OSU Press at Fifty (2011): “Night Bus”
Reading Portland, ed. Trombold, John (Oregon Historical Society, 2006): “Obdulia at the Rose Garden”
Drive: Women’s True Stories from the Open Road, ed. Goode, Jennie (Seal Press, 2002): “Substitution Trunk”
Storming Heaven's Gate: An Anthology of Spiritual Writings by Women, ed., Sumrall, Amber Coverdale & Patrice Vecchione (Penguin Plume, 1997): “Heart of Wisdom”
Cream City Review 20th Anniversary Anthology, ed. Rivera, Andrew (U.W.-Milwaukee, 1996): “The Skin of the World”
Gettysburg Review, Autumn 2018: “Driving Blind”
Juxtaprose Literary Magazine, Spring 2017: "Paradise Refused"
Gettysburg Review, Spring 2016: “The Judicious Beauty of Memory Loss”
Portland Magazine, Spring 2016: "Rene Sanchez: Not Without Love"
Timberline Review, Summer/Fall 2015: “Camping Practice”
Arroyo Literary Review, May 2015: “Old Fashioneds”
Bellingham Review, Autumn 2013: “Decadent Music”
The Sun, September 2008: “Judgments”
M Review, Summer 2006: “Losing the Farm
La Palabra y el Hombre (Veracruz), March 2005: El maestro: recuerdos de Raymond Carver”
Portland Magazine, Winter 2002: “The Man in the Pew”
New Rag Rising, Winter 2002: “Where Pablo Neruda First Saw the Sea”
The Sun, November, 2001: “On Thursday, September 20"
Gateways, Summer 2001: “Terence O’Donnell, 1924-2001"
Writers NW, Spring 1999: "Teacher: A Memoir of Raymond Carver"
Notre Dame Review, Summer 1998: "October Song"
Second Opinion, April 1995: "Heart of Wisdom”
Palo Alto Review, Spring 1994: "Stories I Never Told My Mother”
Oregon English, Winter 1994: "Teacher”
Left Bank, Winter 1992: "My New Father”
Cream City Review, Spring 1991: "The Skin of the World”
Seattle Weekly, 8/30/89: "Where the Men and Where the Women"
Northwest Magazine (Oregonian), 4/23/89: "Readings from the Wall: Cabbage Soup”
¡Aumento Ya! 50-min documentary on farm labor organizing (screenwriter, PCUN, 1996)
A Long Way to Go, 8-min dramatic film (mentor, Oregon LatinoYouth Video Project, 2000)
La Decisión, 9-min dramatic film (script mentor, Oregon Latino Youth Video Project, 2001)
Women’s Review of Books
Jan/Feb 2016: Valeria Luiselli, The Story of My Teeth
Nov/Dec 2014: Rebecca Mead, My Life in Middlemarch
Nov/Dec 2012: Selected Poetry of Marilyn Buck
March/April 2012: Christine Eber, Journey of a Tzotzil-Maya Woman of Chiapas, Mexico
Jan/Feb 2011: Four books on incarceration: Michelle Alexander, Safiya Bukhari, etc.
March/April 2010: Ámbar Past, Incantations: Song, Spells and Images by Mayan Women
Nov/Dec 2008: Sylvia Sellers-García, When the Ground Turns in its Sleep
March/April 2008: Alma M. Reed, Peregrina: Love & Death in Mexico
May/June 2007: Camillla Townsend, Malintzin’s Choices
May 2004: Diana Taylor & Roselyn Costantino, Holy Terrors: Latin American Women Perform
October 2003: Cristina Rivera-Garza, No One Will See Me Cry
July 2003: Alicia Borinsky, All Night Movie
May 2003:Tapscott, Selected Prose Gabriela Mistral; Fiol-Matta, Queer Mother for the Nation
Human Rights Review
June 2010: Karen Greenberg, The Least Worst Place: Guantanamo’s First 100 Days
June 2009: Jules Boykoff, Beyond Bullets: The Suppression of Dissent in the U.S.
November 18, 2007: Jules Boykoff, Beyond Bullets: The Suppression of Dissent in the U.S.
September 30, 2007: David Cole, Less Safe, Less Free
October 1994: Cormac McCarthy, All the Pretty Horses and The Crossing
Winter 1990-91: Molly Gloss, The Jump-Off Creek
Oregon Historical Quarterly: “We’re going to defend ourselves.” The Portland Chapter of the Black Panther Party and the Local Media Response (with Jules Boykoff), Fall 2010
Oregon Encyclopedia
March 2010: Raymond Carver, 1938-88
July 2014: Black Panther Party, Portland Chapter
Eliot News
Emanuel Apologizes, PDC Changes its Name, Summer 2017
Historic Elks Lodge Grateful for Volunteers, Summer 2009
Eliot: A Brief Chronology, Fall 2008
Eliot Remembered: Interviews with Emma Brown & Jane Bachman, Fall 2008
Title Wave: Out of Circulation, Though Not for Long, Winter 2008
Robert Dietsche’s Jumptown: The Golden Years of Portland Jazz, January 2006
For Activist Nomad, Eliot is Now Home, Summer 2005
Quadriplegics United Against Dependency, Summer 2004
A Neighborhood Profile: Paul and Geneva Knauls, Summer 2003
Roc Neuhardt: A Neighborhood Profile, Fall 2002
Legendary Jazz Singer Nancy King Leaves Eliot, Summer 2000
Port City Development, A History, Fall 1999