Arroyo Literary Review , Spring 2017: "The Volunteer Position"
Rockhurst Review, 2003: “Juana”
Cairn, No. 36, 2002: “Rules of Order”
Writing on the Edge, Vol 9, No 2; 1999: "Widow's Head"
Clackamas Literary Review, Spring 1999: "To the River"
Notre Dame Review, Winter 1999: "Plaintiff"
The Alembic, May, 1997: "Readiness"
Orion, Summer 1995: "Zoo Animal Keeper I, REC-SVC-ZK"
Caprice, 1994: "The Poet's Entry”
American Writing, No. 4, 1992: "Them"
Northwest Magazine, 4/21/91: "O'Keefe Sober"
Caprice, Spring 1990: "Countess Tolstoy Queries Esquire”
Clinton Street, 12/89: “Them, 1956"
Spindrift 88: "The Shoat"
Crazyquilt, March 1988: "The White Work"
Other Voices, Spring 1988: "Blackbird"
Seattle Weekly, 12/23/87: "Long Lay the World”
Zyzzyva, Summer 1987: "Blue"
The Macguffin, Fall 1986: "Lights"

Gettysburg Review, Autumn 2018: “Driving Blind”
Juxtaprose Literary Magazine, Spring 2017: "Paradise Refused"
Gettysburg Review, Spring 2016: “The Judicious Beauty of Memory Loss”
Portland Magazine, Spring 2016: "Rene Sanchez: Not Without Love"
Timberline Review, Summer/Fall 2015: “Camping Practice”
Arroyo Literary Review, May 2015: “Old Fashioneds”
Bellingham Review, Autumn 2013: “Decadent Music”
The Sun, September 2008: “Judgments”
M Review, Summer 2006: “Losing the Farm
La Palabra y el Hombre (Veracruz), March 2005: El maestro: recuerdos de Raymond Carver
Portland Magazine, Winter 2002: “The Man in the Pew”
New Rag Rising, Winter 2002: “Where Pablo Neruda First Saw the Sea”
The Sun, November, 2001: “On Thursday, September 20"
Gateways, Summer 2001: “Terence O’Donnell, 1924-2001"
Writers NW, Spring 1999: "Teacher: A Memoir of Raymond Carver"
Notre Dame Review, Summer 1998: "October Song"
Second Opinion, April 1995: "Heart of Wisdom”
Palo Alto Review, Spring 1994: "Stories I Never Told My Mother”
Oregon English, Winter 1994: "Teacher”
Left Bank, Winter 1992: "My New Father”
Cream City Review, Spring 1991: "The Skin of the World”
Seattle Weekly, 8/30/89: "Where the Men and Where the Women"
Northwest Magazine (Oregonian), 4/23/89: "Readings from the Wall: Cabbage Soup”


¡Aumento Ya! 50-min documentary on farm labor organizing (screenwriter, PCUN, 1996)
A Long Way to Go, 8-min dramatic film (mentor, Oregon LatinoYouth Video Project, 2000)
La Decisión, 9-min dramatic film (script mentor, Oregon Latino Youth Video Project, 2001)


Eliot News
Eliot: A Brief Chronology, Fall 2008
Robert Dietsche’s Jumptown: The Golden Years of Portland Jazz, January 2006
For Activist Nomad, Eliot is Now Home, Summer 2005
Quadriplegics United Against Dependency, Summer 2004
A Neighborhood Profile: Paul and Geneva Knauls, Summer 2003
Roc Neuhardt: A Neighborhood Profile, Fall 2002
Legendary Jazz Singer Nancy King Leaves Eliot, Summer 2000
Port City Development, A History, Fall 1999


Women’s Review of Books

Jan/Feb 2016: Valeria Luiselli, The Story of My Teeth
Nov/Dec 2014: Rebecca Mead, My Life in Middlemarch
Nov/Dec 2012: Selected Poetry of Marilyn Buck
March/April 2012: Christine Eber, Journey of a Tzotzil-Maya Woman of Chiapas, Mexico
Jan/Feb 2011: Four books on incarceration: Michelle Alexander, Safiya Bukhari, etc.
March/April 2010: Ámbar Past, Incantations: Song, Spells and Images by Mayan Women
Nov/Dec 2008: Sylvia Sellers-García, When the Ground Turns in its Sleep
March/April 2008: Alma M. Reed, Peregrina: Love & Death in Mexico
May/June 2007: Camillla Townsend, Malintzin’s Choices
May 2004: Diana Taylor & Roselyn Costantino, Holy Terrors: Latin American Women Perform
October 2003: Cristina Rivera-Garza, No One Will See Me Cry
July 2003: Alicia Borinsky, All Night Movie
May 2003: Tapscott, Selected Prose Gabriela Mistral; Fiol-Matta, Queer Mother for the Nation

Human Rights Review
June 2010: Karen Greenberg, The Least Worst Place: Guantanamo’s First 100 Days
June 2009: Jules Boykoff, Beyond Bullets: The Suppression of Dissent in the U.S.


Oregon Historical Quarterly
“Lewis Clark Cook: Building the Moving Image Archives at OHS,” Winter 2023
“We’re going to defend ourselves.” The Portland Chapter of the Black Panther Party and the Local Media Response (with Jules Boykoff),” Fall 2010

Oregon Encyclopedia
July 2014: Black Panther Party, Portland Chapter
March 2010: Raymond Carver, 1938-88

Copyright Martha Gies, 2025. No portion of this site may be used without written permission.